in default templates, but we don't want the 'form' styling it gets under .form-item */ .form-item #autocomplete .reference-autocomplete { white-space:normal; } .form-item #autocomplete .reference-autocomplete label { display:inline; font-weight:normal; } /* 'Manage fields' overview */ #content-field-overview-form .advanced-help-link, #content-display-overview-form .advanced-help-link { margin: 4px 4px 0 0;/*LTR*/ } #content-field-overview-form .label-group, #content-display-overview-form .label-group, #content-copy-export-form .label-group { font-weight: bold; } table#content-field-overview .label-add-new-field, table#content-field-overview .label-add-existing-field, table#content-field-overview .label-add-new-group { float: left;/*LTR*/ } table#content-field-overview tr.content-add-new .tabledrag-changed { display: none; } table#content-field-overview tr.content-add-new .description { margin-bottom: 0; } table#content-field-overview .content-new { font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: .5em; } /* 'Advanced help' pages */ .advanced-help-topic h3, .advanced-help-topic h4, .advanced-help-topic h5, .advanced-help-topic h6 { margin:1em 0 .5em 0; } .advanced-help-topic dd { margin-bottom: .5em; } .advanced-help-topic span.code { background-color:#EDF1F3; font-family:"Bitstream Vera Sans Mono",Monaco,"Lucida Console",monospace; font-size:0.9em; padding:1px; } .advanced-help-topic .content-border { border:1px solid #AAA }/* $Id: ctools.css,v 2010/09/01 22:12:31 merlinofchaos Exp $ */ .ctools-locked { color: red; border: 1px solid red; padding: 1em; } .ctools-owns-lock { background: #FFFFDD none repeat scroll 0 0; border: 1px solid #F0C020; padding: 1em; } a.ctools-ajaxing, input.ctools-ajaxing, button.ctools-ajaxing, select.ctools-ajaxing { padding-right: 18px !important; background: url(../images/status-active.gif) right center no-repeat; } div.ctools-ajaxing { float: left; width: 18px; background: url(../images/status-active.gif) center center no-repeat; } /* Force from/to dates to float using inline-block, where it works, otherwise inline. */ .container-inline-date { width:auto; clear:both; display: inline-block; vertical-align:top; margin-right: 0.5em; /* LTR */ } .container-inline-date .form-item { float:none; padding:0; margin:0; } .container-inline-date .form-item .form-item { float: left; /* LTR */ } .container-inline-date .form-item, .container-inline-date .form-item input { width:auto; } .container-inline-date .description { clear: both; } .container-inline-date .form-item input, .container-inline-date .form-item select, .container-inline-date .form-item option { margin-right: 5px; /* LTR */ } .container-inline-date .date-spacer { margin-left: -5px; /* LTR */ } .views-right-60 .container-inline-date div { padding:0; margin:0; } .container-inline-date .date-timezone .form-item { float:none; width:auto; clear:both; } /* Fixes for date popup css so it will behave in Drupal */ #calendar_div, #calendar_div td, #calendar_div th { margin:0; padding:0; } #calendar_div, .calendar_control, .calendar_links, .calendar_header, .calendar { width: 185px; border-collapse: separate; margin: 0; } .calendar td { padding: 0; } /* formatting for from/to dates in nodes and views */ { } { } { } { } .date-repeat-input { float: left; /* LTR */ width:auto; margin-right: 5px; /* LTR */ } .date-repeat-input select { min-width:7em; } .date-repeat fieldset { clear:both; float:none; } .date-views-filter-wrapper { min-width:250px; } .date-views-filter input { float: left !important; /* LTR */ margin-right: 2px !important; /* LTR */ padding:0 !important; width:12em; min-width:12em; } .date-nav { width:100%; } .date-nav { text-align: left; /* LTR */ width:24%; float: left; /* LTR */ } .date-nav { text-align: right; /* LTR */ width:24%; float: right; /* LTR */ } .date-nav { text-align:center; width:50%; float: left; /* LTR */ } .date-nav h3 { margin:0; padding:0; } .date-clear { float:none; clear:both; display:block; } .date-clear-block { float:none; width:auto; clear:both; } /* ** Markup free clearing that fixes unwanted scrollbars ** @see */ .date-clear-block:after { content: " "; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; } .date-clear-block { display: inline-block; } /* Hides from IE-mac \*/ * html .date-clear-block { height: 1%; } .date-clear-block { display: block; } /* End hide from IE-mac */ .date-container .date-format-delete { margin-top: 1.8em; margin-left: 1.5em; float: left; } .date-container .date-format-name { float: left; } .date-container .date-format-type { float: left; padding-left: 10px; } .date-container .select-container { clear: left; float: left; } /* Calendar day css */ { line-height: 1; width: 40px; float: left; margin: 6px 10px 0 0; background: #F3F3F3; border-top: 1px solid #eee; border-left: 1px solid #eee; border-right: 1px solid #bbb; border-bottom: 1px solid #bbb; color: #999; text-align: center; font-family: Georgia, Arial, Verdana, sans; } span { display: block; text-align: center; } span.month { font-size: .9em; background-color: #B5BEBE; color: white; padding: 2px; text-transform: uppercase; } { font-weight: bold; font-size: 2em; } span.year { font-size: .9em; padding: 2px; } #ui-datepicker-div { font-size: 100%; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; background: #eee; border-right:2px #666 solid; border-bottom:2px #666 solid; z-index: 9999; } /* Datepicker ----------------------------------*/ .ui-datepicker { width: 17em; padding: .2em .2em 0; } .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-header { position:relative; padding:.2em 0; } .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev, .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next { position:absolute; top: 2px; width: 1.8em; height: 1.8em; } .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev-hover, .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next-hover { top: 1px; } .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev { left:2px; } .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next { right:2px; } .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev-hover { left:1px; } .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next-hover { right:1px; } .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev span, .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next span { display: block; position: absolute; left: 50%; margin-left: -8px; top: 50%; margin-top: -8px; } .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-title { margin: 0 2.3em; line-height: 1.8em; text-align: center; } .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-title select { float:left; font-size:1em; margin:1px 0; } .ui-datepicker select.ui-datepicker-month-year {width: 100%;} .ui-datepicker select.ui-datepicker-month, .ui-datepicker select.ui-datepicker-year { width: 49%;} .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-title select.ui-datepicker-year { float: right; } .ui-datepicker table {width: 100%; font-size: .9em; border-collapse: collapse; margin:0 0 .4em; } .ui-datepicker th { padding: .7em .3em; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; border: 0; } .ui-datepicker td { border: 0; padding: 1px; } .ui-datepicker td span, .ui-datepicker td a { display: block; padding: .2em; text-align: right; text-decoration: none; } .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-buttonpane { background-image: none; margin: .7em 0 0 0; padding:0 .2em; border-left: 0; border-right: 0; border-bottom: 0; } .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-buttonpane button { float: right; margin: .5em .2em .4em; cursor: pointer; padding: .2em .6em .3em .6em; width:auto; overflow:visible; } .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-buttonpane button.ui-datepicker-current { float:left; } /* with multiple calendars */ .ui-datepicker.ui-datepicker-multi { width:auto; } .ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-group { float:left; } .ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-group table { width:95%; margin:0 auto .4em; } .ui-datepicker-multi-2 .ui-datepicker-group { width:50%; } .ui-datepicker-multi-3 .ui-datepicker-group { width:33.3%; } .ui-datepicker-multi-4 .ui-datepicker-group { width:25%; } .ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-group-last .ui-datepicker-header { border-left-width:0; } .ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-group-middle .ui-datepicker-header { border-left-width:0; } .ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-buttonpane { clear:left; } .ui-datepicker-row-break { clear:both; width:100%; } /* RTL support */ .ui-datepicker-rtl { direction: rtl; } .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-prev { right: 2px; left: auto; } .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-next { left: 2px; right: auto; } .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-prev:hover { right: 1px; left: auto; } .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-next:hover { left: 1px; right: auto; } .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-buttonpane { clear:right; } .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-buttonpane button { float: left; } .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-buttonpane button.ui-datepicker-current { float:right; } .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-group { float:right; } .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-group-last .ui-datepicker-header { border-right-width:0; border-left-width:1px; } .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-group-middle .ui-datepicker-header { border-right-width:0; border-left-width:1px; }/* TimeEntry styles */ .timeEntry_control { vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 2px; } * html .timeEntry_control { /* IE only */ margin-top: -4px; } /** * Formatter styles */ .filefield-icon { margin: 0 2px 0 0; /* RTL */ } /* End formatter styles. */ /** * General widget form styles (applicable to all widgets). */ .filefield-element { margin: 1em 0; white-space: normal; } .filefield-element .widget-preview { float: left; /* RTL */ padding: 0 10px 0 0; /* RTL */ margin: 0 10px 0 0; /* RTL */ border-width: 0 1px 0 0; /* RTL */ border-style: solid; border-color: #CCC; max-width: 30%; } .filefield-element .widget-edit { float: left; /* RTL */ max-width: 70%; } .filefield-element .filefield-preview { width: 16em; overflow: hidden; } .filefield-element .widget-edit .form-item { margin: 0 0 1em 0; } .filefield-element input.form-submit, .filefield-element input.form-file { margin: 0; } .filefield-element input.progress-disabled { float: none; display: inline; } .filefield-element div.ahah-progress, .filefield-element div.throbber { display: inline; float: none; padding: 1px 13px 2px 3px; /* RTL */ } .filefield-element div.ahah-progress-bar { display: none; margin-top: 4px; width: 28em; padding: 0; } .filefield-element div.ahah-progress-bar { margin: 0; } /* End general widget form styles. */ /* $Id: nice_menus.css,v 1.28 2008/07/11 16:04:44 add1sun Exp $ */ /* This file contains the basic logic for nice menus, and should not be edited. To customize the menus, it's recommended to create a custom CSS file using nice_menus_default.css as a template, then configure the module to use your custom CSS file (this is done in the global settings tab of the theme administration.) */ /* Below should fix menu being a few pixels away in some themes, and menus disappearing behind other stuff. */ .block-nice_menus { line-height: normal; z-index: 10; } ul.nice-menu, ul.nice-menu ul { z-index: 5; position: relative; } ul.nice-menu li { position: relative; } ul.nice-menu a { display: block; } ul.nice-menu ul, /* For Garland header. */ #header-region ul.nice-menu ul { position: absolute; visibility: hidden; } ul.nice-menu li.over ul { visibility: visible; } ul.nice-menu ul li { display: block; } ul.nice-menu:after { content: "."; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; } /* Show submenus when over their parents. */ ul.nice-menu li:hover ul, ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li:hover ul, ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li.menuparent li:hover ul, ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li.menuparent li.menuparent li:hover ul, ul.nice-menu li.over ul, ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li.over ul, ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li.menuparent li.over ul, ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li.menuparent li.menuparent li.over ul, /* Repeat all this stuff just for Garland headers. */ #header-region ul.nice-menu li:hover ul, #header-region ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li:hover ul, #header-region ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li.menuparent li:hover ul, #header-region ul.nice-menu li.over ul, #header-region ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li.over ul, #header-region ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li.menuparent li.over ul { visibility: visible; } /* Hide sub-menus initially. */ ul.nice-menu li:hover ul ul, ul.nice-menu li:hover ul ul ul, ul.nice-menu li:hover li:hover ul ul, ul.nice-menu li:hover li:hover ul ul ul, ul.nice-menu li:hover li:hover li:hover ul ul, ul.nice-menu li:hover li:hover li:hover ul ul ul, ul.nice-menu li.over ul ul, ul.nice-menu li.over ul ul ul, ul.nice-menu li.over li.over ul ul, ul.nice-menu li.over li.over ul ul ul, ul.nice-menu li.over li.over li.over ul ul, ul.nice-menu li.over li.over li.over ul ul ul, /* Repeat all this stuff just for Garland headers. */ #header-region ul.nice-menu li:hover ul ul, #header-region ul.nice-menu li:hover ul ul ul, #header-region ul.nice-menu li:hover li:hover ul ul, #header-region ul.nice-menu li:hover li:hover ul ul ul, #header-region ul.nice-menu li:hover li:hover li:hover ul ul, #header-region ul.nice-menu li:hover li:hover li:hover ul ul ul, #header-region ul.nice-menu li.over ul ul, #header-region ul.nice-menu li.over ul ul ul, #header-region ul.nice-menu li.over li.over ul ul, #header-region ul.nice-menu li.over li.over ul ul ul, #header-region ul.nice-menu li.over li.over li.over ul ul, #header-region ul.nice-menu li.over li.over li.over ul ul ul { visibility: hidden; } /*************** IE 6 Fixes ***************/ /* Iframe to fix z-index bug when menu hovers over fields. */ ul.nice-menu li.menuparent ul, /* For Garland header. */ #header-region ul.nice-menu li.menuparent ul { overflow: visible !important; /* overflow: hidden; */ } ul.nice-menu li.menuparent ul iframe, /* For Garland header. */ #header-region ul.nice-menu li.menuparent ul iframe { display: none; display/**/: block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: -1; filter: mask(); width: 20px; height: 20px; }/* $Id: nice_menus_default.css,v 1.6 2007/10/29 16:38:28 add1sun Exp $ */ /* This is the default layout template for nice menus, and will provide a starting point for the look of your menus. To customize, it's recommended to create a custom CSS file using this file as a template, then configure the module to use your custom CSS file (this is done in the global settings tab of the theme administration.) To help understand the CSS, the HTML looks like this, where x is a number; TYPE is down/left/right; PATH is the menu path such as node/343; MID is the menu id such as 33): This is a menu item ... If you have more than one nice-menu and want to target a particular one, use its id (e.g. ul#nice-menu-2). See README.txt and the handbook page ( for some CSS customization examples. */ /****************************** Global CSS for ALL menu types ******************************/ ul.nice-menu, ul.nice-menu ul { list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: none; } ul.nice-menu li { border: none; border-top: 0; float: left; background-color: inherit; /* Additional overrides to deal with Garland theme. */ margin: 0; padding-left: 0; background-image: none; } /* Overrides for Garland header. */ #header-region ul.nice-menu li { margin: 0; /* Padding rules are needed to deal with Garland's header line-height. */ padding-top: 0.1em; padding-bottom: 0.1em; background: inherit; } ul.nice-menu a { padding: 0.3em 5px 0.3em 5px; } ul.nice-menu ul, /* Repeat for Garland header. */ #header-region ul.nice-menu ul { top: 1.8em; left: -1px; border: 0; border-top: inherit; margin-right: 0; } /* Override for Garland header. */ #header-region ul.nice-menu ul { top: 1.7em; } ul.nice-menu ul li { width: 7.4em; background: #E7E7E7; } ul.nice-menu ul li:hover { background: #DBDBDD; } /****************************** VERTICAL (left/right) menus ******************************/ /* This is the default width of all vertical menus. */ ul.nice-menu-right, ul.nice-menu-left, ul.nice-menu-right li, ul.nice-menu-left li { width: 12.5em; } /* VERTICAL menus where submenus pop RIGHT (default). */ ul.nice-menu-right ul { width: 12.5em; left: 12.5em; top: -1px; } ul.nice-menu-right ul ul { width: 12.5em; left: 12.5em; top: -1px; } ul.nice-menu-right li.menuparent, ul.nice-menu-right li li.menuparent { background: inherit; } ul.nice-menu-right li.menuparent:hover, ul.nice-menu-right li.over, ul.nice-menu-right li li.menuparent:hover, ul.nice-menu-right li li.over { background: inherit; } /* VERTICAL menus where submenus pop LEFT. */ ul.nice-menu-left li ul { width: 12.5em; left: -12.65em; top: -1px; } ul.nice-menu-left li ul li ul { width: 12.5em; left: -12.65em; top: -1px; } ul.nice-menu-left li.menuparent, ul.nice-menu-left li li.menuparent { background: inherit; } ul.nice-menu-left li.menuparent:hover, ul.nice-menu-left li.over, ul.nice-menu-left li li.menuparent:hover, ul.nice-menu-left li li.over { background: inherit; } ul.nice-menu-left a, ul.nice-menu-left ul a { padding-left: 14px; } /****************************** HORIZONTAL (down) menus ******************************/ ul.nice-menu-down { float: left; border: 0; } ul.nice-menu-down li { border-top: inherit; } ul.nice-menu-down li li { border-top: 0; } ul.nice-menu-down ul { left: 0; } ul.nice-menu-down ul li { clear: both; } ul.nice-menu-down li ul li ul, /* Repeat for Garland header. */ #header-region ul.nice-menu-down li ul li ul { left: 12.5em; top: -1px; } ul.nice-menu-down .menuparent a { padding-right: 15px; } ul.nice-menu-down li.menuparent, /* Repeat for Garland header. */ #header-region ul.nice-menu-down li.menuparent { background: inherit; } ul.nice-menu-down li.menuparent li.first { margin-top: 0px; } ul.nice-menu-down li.menuparent:hover, ul.nice-menu-down li.over, /* Repeat for Garland header. */ #header-region ul.nice-menu-down li.menuparent:hover, #header-region ul.nice-menu-down li.over { background: inherit; } ul.nice-menu-down li li.menuparent, /* Repeat for Garland header. */ #header-region ul.nice-menu-down li li.menuparent { background: inherit; } ul.nice-menu-down li li.menuparent:hover, ul.nice-menu-down li li.over, /* Repeat for Garland header. */ #header-region ul.nice-menu-down li li.menuparent:hover, #header-region ul.nice-menu-down li li.over { background: inherit; }.og-picture-wrapper { border-bottom:1px dotted; padding:5px 0px; text-align:center; } .og-picture-wrapper .picture { float: none; } #block-og-5 div.item-list ul { padding: 0; margin: 0; } #block-og-5 div.item-list ul ul li {margin:0} /*tighter search button on group details block*/ #block-og-0 .form-item { margin-bottom: .4em; } /*no link on group title in group details block*/ #block-og-0 h2 a { text-decoration:none; } /*used in node-og-group-post.tpl.php*/ .groups .links { display: inline; } .view-id-og_members_faces table td, .view-id-og_members_block { text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom; } .view-id-og_members_block .item-list ul li { border-top: #CCCCCC 1px dotted; padding-top: 4px; list-style: none; background: none; margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0em; text-indent: -1em; } .view-id-og_members_faces tr.row-first td, .view-id-og_members_block ul li:first-child { border-top: none; } .view-id-og_members_faces div.picture, .view-id-og_members_block div.picture { float: none; } .views-field-is-admin { font-style: italic; } div.panel-pane div.admin-links { font-size: xx-small; margin-right: 1em; } div.panel-pane div.admin-links li a { color: #ccc; } div.panel-pane div.admin-links li { padding-bottom: 2px; background: white; z-index: 201; } div.panel-pane div.admin-links:hover a, div.panel-pane div.admin-links-hover a { color: #000; } div.panel-pane div.admin-links a:before { content: "["; } div.panel-pane div.admin-links a:after { content: "]"; } div.panel-pane div.panel-hide { display: none; } /** For IE we add the class via js; for other browsers we rely on :hover **/ div.panel-pane div.panel-hide-hover, div.panel-pane:hover div.panel-hide { display: block; position: absolute; z-index: 200; margin-top: -1.5em; } div.panel-pane div.node { margin: 0; padding: 0; } div.panel-pane div.feed a { float: right; } /* $Id: views_slideshow.css,v 2010/02/24 16:41:52 psynaptic Exp $ */ .views_slideshow_singleframe_no_display, .views_slideshow_singleframe_hidden, .views_slideshow_singleframe_controls, .views_slideshow_singleframe_image_count { display: none; } /* Pager Settings */ .views_slideshow_singleframe_pager div a img { width: 75px; height: 75px; } .views_slideshow_singleframe_pager div { display: inline; padding-left: 10px; } .views_slideshow_singleframe_pager.thumbnails a.activeSlide img { border: 3px solid #000; } .views_slideshow_singleframe_pager.numbered a.activeSlide { text-decoration: underline; } div.filefield-authcode-download-node-form * { display:inline; margin:0.1em; padding:0.1em; } div.fieldgroup { margin:.5em 0 1em 0; } div.fieldgroup .content { padding-left:1em;/*LTR*/ } .views-exposed-form .views-exposed-widget { float: left; /* LTR */ padding: .5em 1em 0 0; /* LTR */ } .views-exposed-form .views-exposed-widget .form-submit { margin-top: 1.6em; } .views-exposed-form .form-item, .views-exposed-form .form-submit { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } .views-exposed-form label { font-weight: bold; } .views-exposed-widgets { margin-bottom: .5em; } html.js a.views-throbbing, html.js span.views-throbbing { background:url(../images/status-active.gif) no-repeat right center; padding-right:18px; } /* administrative hover links */ div.view div.views-admin-links { font-size: xx-small; margin-right: 1em; margin-top: 1em; /* width: 95%; */ } .block div.view div.views-admin-links { margin-top: 0; } div.view div.views-admin-links ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; } div.view div.views-admin-links li { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 2px 0; z-index: 201; } div.view div.views-admin-links li a { padding: 0; margin: 0; color: #ccc; } div.view div.views-admin-links li a:before { content: "["; } div.view div.views-admin-links li a:after { content: "]"; } div.view div.views-admin-links-hover a, div.view div.views-admin-links:hover a { color: #000; } div.view div.views-admin-links-hover, div.view div.views-admin-links:hover { background: transparent; } div.view div.views-hide { display: none; } /** For IE we add the class via js; for other browsers we rely on :hover **/ div.view div.views-hide-hover, div.view:hover div.views-hide { display: block; position: absolute; z-index: 200; } /* don't do this one in IE */ div.view:hover div.views-hide { margin-top: -1.5em; } /* Remove the border on tbody that system puts in */ .views-view-grid tbody { border-top: none; } .quicktabs-hide { display: none; } ul.quicktabs_tabs { margin-top: 0; } ul.quicktabs_tabs li { display: inline; background: none; list-style-type: none; padding: 2px; white-space: nowrap; } ul.quicktabs_tabs li a:focus { outline: none; } /* ** Ajax popups dialog box styles */ #popups-overlay { position: absolute; z-index: 8; background: black; top: 0; } #popups-loading { position: absolute; z-index: 10; opacity: 0.75; width: 100px; height: 100px; display: none; } .popups-box { position: absolute; z-index: 9; background: white; border: 1px solid black; padding: 0.5em; width: 600px; overflow: auto; } .popups-title { font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 0.25em; } .popups-title div.title { float: left; } .popups-title .popups-close { float: right; } .popups-title .popups-close a { font-weight: normal; } /* Allow messages to be used as the title of the popups */ .popups-box div.messages { background: transparent; border: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .popups-box { border: 2px solid #EDF5FA; -moz-border-radius: 8px; -webkit-border-radius: 8px; opacity: 0.9; } .popups-title { border-bottom: 1px solid #b4d7f0; background-color: #d4e7f3; color: #455067; margin-bottom: 0.25em; padding: 0.25em; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px; -webkit-border-radius-topleft: 5px; } .popups-title .popups-close a { color: red; } .popups-box input { margin: 0.1em; } .popups-box input[type="text"]:focus, .popups-box input[type="password"]:focus, .popups-box textarea:focus { background-color: #FFA; outline: thin solid grey; } a.popups-processed { padding-right: 12px; background: url(popup-icon.png) no-repeat right; } .print-link { /* Use these for links above the content */ display: block; text-align: right; padding-bottom: 0.5em; /* Use these for links in a corner of the content */ /* position:relative; bottom: 0.5em; float:right; */ } div#block-print-0 span { display: block; } .print_html, .print_mail, .print_pdf { margin-left: 1em; } .print-syslink { margin-right: 1em; } img.print-icon { vertical-align: middle; } img.print-icon-margin { padding-right: 4px; } label.printmail-label { width: 175px; float: left; } /* jQuery Countdown styles 1.5.5. */ .hasCountdown { border: 1px solid #ccc; background-color: #eee; } .countdown_rtl { direction: rtl; } .countdown_holding span { background-color: #ccc; } .countdown_row { clear: both; width: 100%; padding: 0px 2px; text-align: center; } .countdown_show1 .countdown_section { width: 98%; } .countdown_show2 .countdown_section { width: 48%; } .countdown_show3 .countdown_section { width: 32.5%; } .countdown_show4 .countdown_section { width: 24.5%; } .countdown_show5 .countdown_section { width: 19.5%; } .countdown_show6 .countdown_section { width: 16.25%; } .countdown_show7 .countdown_section { width: 14%; } .countdown_section { display: block; float: left; font-size: 75%; text-align: center; } .countdown_amount { font-size: 200%; } .countdown_descr { display: block; width: 100%; } /* $Id: modalframe.parent.css,v 2010/01/02 06:07:14 markuspetrux Exp $ */ /** * jQuery UI Dialog classes. */ .modalframe { color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; border: 2px solid #1b5084; } .modalframe .ui-dialog-titlebar { position: relative; cursor: move; height: 26px; background-color: #336699; border: 1px solid #6694c6; white-space: nowrap; } .modalframe .ui-dialog-title { display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; margin: 0.2em 0.5em; padding: 0; color: #d9d9d9; } .modalframe .ui-dialog-titlebar-close { display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; margin: 2px 2px 2px 0.5em; padding: 0; width: 23px; height: 20px; background: url(../images/close.gif) no-repeat 0 0; } .modalframe .ui-dialog-titlebar a.ui-state-hover, .modalframe .ui-dialog-titlebar a.ui-state-focus { background-position: 0 -20px; } .modalframe .ui-dialog-titlebar-close span { display: none; } .modalframe .ui-dialog-content { color: #292929; background-color: #f8f8f8; } /** * ui-dialog overlay. */ .ui-widget-overlay { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #aaaaaa; opacity: 0.4; filter: alpha(opacity=40); } /** * Dialog content. */ #modalframe-container { margin: 0; padding: 0; background: url(../images/loading.gif) no-repeat 50% 50%; overflow: visible; } #modalframe-container.modalframe-loaded { background: none; } #modalframe-element { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #1b5084; } /** * Helpers to enhance the Modal Frame API. */ .modalframe-throbber { display: inline-block; width: 13px; height: 13px; background: transparent url(../images/throbber.gif) no-repeat 0 0; } body { margin: 1em; background-color: #fff; font-family: sans-serif; } th { text-align: left; /* LTR */ color: #006; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } tr.odd { background-color: #ddd; } tr.even { background-color: #fff; } td { padding: 5px; } #menu { visibility: hidden; } #main { margin: 1em; } a:link {color: #000;} a:visited {color: #000;} a:hover {color: #00f;} a:link img, a:visited img {border: 0;} .print-footnote {font-size: xx-small;} img.print-logo {border: 0;} .print-site_name {} .print-breadcrumb {font-size: x-small;} .print-title {} .print-submitted {font-size: small;} .print-created {font-size: small;} .print-taxonomy { text-align: right; } .print-taxonomy li {display: inline;} .print-content {} .print-hr { border: 0; height: 1px; width: 100%; color: #9E9E9E; background-color: #9E9E9E; } .print-message { border: medium dotted blue; padding: 1em; } .print-source_url {font-size: small;} .print-links {font-size: small;} .print-footer {text-align: center;}
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Brazil Innovation 2012