Adizes Associates implement the methodology in phases, as part of a systematic approach designed to help a client accelerate their development from one Lifecycle phase to the next, on their path to Prime. The sequence, depth of delivery and duration of each phase are customized to meet the needs of each client. Phase I – Synergetic Organizational Diagnosis (Syndag™). A team-based managerial self-audit of the key internal issues that must be resolved to dramatically improve overall performance and help the organization become the champion of its market(s). Phase II – Team Building (Synerteam™). Training and management of problem-solving teams focused on addressing the priority issues identified in Phase I. Phase III – Change Management System Deployment. Installation and management of a new change management structure that complements the organization’s normal hierarchical structure. The change system provides a new mechanism for continuously identifying and addressing systemic multi-departmental problems and opportunities. Phase IV – Vision / Mission / Values. The organization’s focus on strategic change is developed by looking at both the external and internal environment and selecting critical strategic imperatives. This information is then molded into the organization’s game plan for achieving a common direction and common goals that are backed by the management team. Phase V – Structural Realignment. The organization’s structure is redesigned to better support the new mission, match the organization’s technology, and respond to the environment with a clearly defined goal of producing vitality, entrepreneurship and growth, while supporting clear accountability for performance. Phase VI – Accountability. Management information systems are reviewed to help ensure that information for decision making is aligned with the responsibilities of the new structure. The goal is to have information systems that clearly define individual accountability. Phase VII – Adizes Technology Transfer. The Adizes technology is transferred to the client. We license, train and certify a critical mass of client personnel so that they can cost effectively cascade Adizes down into the organization at all levels. Phase VIII – Peak Performance Stretching. We use teamwork to develop plans and “stretch” the organization in order to achieve its peak performance. This phase typically produces rapid impacts on profitability, because it causes staff to aim for higher levels of performance. Phase IX – Strategic Resource Allocation. We work to evaluate the long-term direction and viability of each organizational unit. The emerging strategy supports current successes and identifies new directions for replacing discontinued activities. Phase X – Systemic Cybernetic Structure. To ensure that a solid mechanism for continuous adaptability to change is operating efficiently, we formalize the change management system initiated in Phase III and integrate it with structure designed in Phase V to create top-down and bottom-up flows of energy. Phase XI – Synergistic Rewards Systems. The new strategies, responsibilities, and teamwork require reassessment of the organization’s incentive and compensation systems. They must be consistent with and aligned to support achievement of the newly defined goals. Overview |
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