Monday, August 17, 2009

World’s Most Admired Company

The critical characteristics of a

World’s Most Admired Company

It is never easy to become one of the World’s Most Admired

Companies. In a changing world, the temptation for many

organizations is, quite understandably, to change frequently. As

this research shows, that may be a fatal flaw. Hay Group research

into the World’s Most Admired Companies of 2009 showed that they

change less in two important respects:

they have more stable strategies that stand the test of time  because their strategies aren’t always

changing, and their organizations are lined up to help execute their strategies, they aren’t changing their organizations as frequently as other companies. Their flexibility lies elsewhere – most notably

in the operating model. Crucially, this is the element to which other companies pay less attention. Operating models, the wiring of the business, are about processes and the alignment of key systems – and about how the work gets done. WMACs understand this in a way that others do not. If there is a single thing that a company can do to launch itself on the path to becoming a WMAC, it must build an organization that is unique and fit for purpose. It must then work tirelessly to align everything, including behaviors, jobs and culture. Collaboration in large global companies doesn’t come through simply wishing for it. Everything must contribute towards ensuring it actually happens.Together these are the lessons from the World’s Most Admired Companies. Organizations that fail to embrace the four characteristics – enduring strategies, aligned structures, robust operating models and equipped leaders – will struggle to join this impressive club.


Katie Lemaire

Vice president

Paulo Antônio Alves de Almeida
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Paulo Antônio Alves de Almeida, psicólogo com formação em arte clássica e contemporânea pela UFMG e Royal Academy of London

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