Friday, December 24, 2010

paulo almeida has invited you to use Google Talk


paulo almeida has invited you to sign up for Google Talk so you can talk to each other for free over your computers.

To sign-up, go to:

Google Talk is a downloadable Windows* application that offers:
- Free calls over your computer anytime, from anywhere, and for as long as you want
- A simple and intuitive user interface for sending instant messages or making calls--no clutter, pop-ups or ads
- Superior voice quality through just a microphone and computer speaker
- Fast file transfers with no restrictions on file type

After signing-up, download Google Talk and sign in with your new Google Account username and password.
You can then begin inviting anyone you want to talk to for free.

Google Talk works with any computer speaker and microphone, such as the ones built-in to many PC laptops today,
as well as with wired and wireless headsets and USB phones. Google Talk also works across all firewalls.

Google Talk is still in beta. Just like with Gmail, we're working hard to add features and make improvements,
so we might also ask for your comments and suggestions periodically. We appreciate your help in making it even better!


The Google Talk Team

To learn more about Google Talk before signing up, visit:

(If clicking the URLs in this message does not work, copy and paste them into the address bar of your browser).

* Not a Windows user? No problem. You can also connect to the Google Talk service from any platform using third-party clients

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Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Paulo Antônio Alves de Almeida, psicólogo com formação em arte clássica e contemporânea pela UFMG e Royal Academy of London

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