Monday, July 27, 2009

Brazil in the flat world


I just read the book The World is Flat of Thomas Friedman.

Reading is exciting and I recommend to all.

I would launch a challenge and a forum for discussion:

In the book, the author speaks with great ownership and research on the processes of globalization, outsourcing (outsourcing, offshore etc). Case studies and quotes extensively, through its 550 pages, related to the countries USA, China, India, Russia, the small Asian, European, but

Brazil is mentioned only 3 times throughout the book, with a mild reference.

I propose the following thread:

How is Brazil in the flat world?

Please send articles, reviews, cases, interviews to enrich our discussion!

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Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Paulo Antônio Alves de Almeida, psicólogo com formação em arte clássica e contemporânea pela UFMG e Royal Academy of London

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